This is THE day

Present over perfect

This is THE day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Did you catch that?  We’ve heard that verse over and over, and it hit me today that it doesn’t just say this is a day that the Lord has made. It says this is THE day.

Present means today. Not just A day, but today. THIS IS THE DAY.

It seems as women that we constantly compare ourselves to others and feel under qualified or somehow less-than others. I’m sitting here wondering why I do that.  Why do a lot of us do that? All of these questions rolling around in our heads:

“Why don’t I have perfect skin like that girl?” “Why don’t I have the financial situation of my friend?”

“Why can’t I be a stay at home mom like she is?”

“Oh, she’s pretty. She must work out all the time. She probably doesn’t have to work and has more time for self care.”

“I wish I could come up with quick witted one liners like that!  She’s so funny…why do I stumble over my words all the time?”

“WHY didn’t I have some self control and not eat that cake or drink that extra glass of wine?  What’s wrong with me?”

All of this negative self talk is unhealthy. We are not the same as other people. Each of us is unique and beautiful. We have different genetics. Different ethnicities. Different backgrounds. Different life circumstances. We are handcrafted by our Creator to be wonderful and beautiful INDIVIDUALS!  If we were all the exact same, how boring would this world be?  What would we even have to talk about and how would we learn from each other?

Many times, when I’m around close friends, they say, I wish I could be like you in this or that aspect. I’m always shocked and say WHAT??  Then I proceed to tell them all the reasons they are wrong and why I’m not all that.

Well what if we just learned to say thank you to a compliment?  What if I saw myself through the eyes of my Well Watered Soul Sistas and loved myself the way they love me?  Or even more, the way God loves me?

What if we could learn to be present and open to the God-given opportunities right in front of us every day, instead of hyper focused on being perfect?  To see how many smiles we could catch by sending them out first?  To appreciate the beauty of another without comparison…Just because they are beautiful! To see creativity and value in the process of what we are going through instead of being so focused on the perfect finished product?

God wants us to turn to Him in the moment. This is THE day. Not just a day. THE day. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I won’t ever be perfect and flawless.  None of us will.

Let us start speaking to ourselves with patience and grace so that we can stop the negative self-talk. We can’t add a single hour to our lives or change our circumstances by worrying.

Psalm 118 verse 21 says “I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation.”

Thanking God before He answers shows Him we trust Him. Verse 23 says “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”  Giving God the glory for answering our prayers each and every day reminds us that He is Sovereign. He’s got our backs. He cares about every detail of our lives. Maybe we are going through what we are going through because He has a greater plan than what we can see right now.

Let’s learn to Shine where we are.  Rejoice in the Lord this day.

I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. Save us, we pray, O Lord!  O Lord, we pray, give us success!…The Lord is God, and He has made his light to shine upon us…Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.

Psalm 118:21; 25-29

So go shine your light Sista. God’s got you. God’s got me. We are each fearfully and wonderfully made. We are exactly where we need to be right now. Let’s go catch some smiles. This is THE day. 🙌

🤟 Sara


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