
As excited as I was to begin “A Well Watered Soul”, I still kept putting it off.  Why?  The truth is that I felt inadequate.  Vulnerable.  Unworthy.  I kept asking myself, “Who wants to hear what I have to say?”  Then I realized if I let God speak through me, and let Him speak through the other women who will be a part of this Well Watered community, then we ALL want to hear what God has to say, right?  And when we let Him, God speaks through us to each other.  

The truth is also that we are all inadequate and will never measure up when trying to do things on our own.  2 Corinthians 3:5 tells us “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.”  When we let Jesus fill us, we overflow with being enough, being MORE than adequate, and bearing much fruit.  The more I learn in this life, the more I realize I don’t know, and I have so much more to learn.  And I’ve learned the most by not only spending time alone with God and my Bible, but by spending time with the godly women who I call my “Sistas”.  (I will write about each of them in future blogs).  

For definition, my lifelong BFF once told me that a Sista is a woman who God has placed in your life who is like a sister but isn’t biologically related to you.  These women are ones that have been gifted to us by God. Women who just get you.  Each of these women have laughed when I have told them they are my PLU’s.  Meaning “People Like Us”.  You know how women either click or they don’t?  It’s those women who I click with.  My Sistas.    

Because of our Sistas, and through long lunches or visits (usually with coffee or wine, lol) we learn so many life lessons.  I feel that God is telling me that through “A Well Watered Soul”, these lessons I’ve learned aren’t to be bottled up for safe keeping.  They are for us to SHARE with other women.  I will be adding to this blog these lessons I’ve learned, and you are invited to join me on this journey to share your lessons, your struggles, and your victories, as well.  We are all interconnected and we can all learn from each other if we will just lay aside our pride, our insecurities, our defenses, and realize that we are all the same in many ways.  We are women with good, thirsty souls who want the best for ourselves and for those we love.  And many times, we just don’t know how to get there.  We don’t know how to be well-watered.  We stay trapped in a world of busyness or bitterness, or a toxic environment and we don’t feel like we have anything left to give to ourselves, our families, or anyone else.  But it’s when we are at our weakest that we should be willing to share the most.  It’s in those moments we most need to be in community with other Sistas who have been there, done that!  Trust me...I have been there, and done that! 

I hope and pray that this is a meaningful journey for you and for me.  Please feel free to share your thoughts, your experiences, and your struggles here.  I will be sharing stories of each one of my “Sistas” and what God has taught me through our friendships as we go along.  

🌟Do not worry about how to speak or what you should say; for what you are to say will be given to you when the time comes; because it will not be you who will be speaking, but the Spirit of your Father will be speaking IN YOU! 🙌  Matthew 10:19


Just Do It