Just Do It


My soul felt “well watered”, thirsting for nothing.  When well watered, you aren’t thirsty, but hydrated, filled, content.

Do you have something in your life you’ve been meaning to do?  That thing that you try to procrastinate but it keeps peeking into your thoughts and dreams and never completely goes away?  Losing some weight or starting to exercise?  Writing a book?  Going back to college?  When that “thing” is a good thing, and never goes away, I feel that it’s the Holy Spirit giving us a gentle nudge, or sometimes a hard push to Just Do It!  It seems like we all procrastinate these types of ventures for reasons like a lack of time, a lack of confidence, or truly….a lack of prioritizing what really matters!

My “thing” has been to start this project called “A Well Watered Soul”.  I know that this is a prompting of the Holy Spirit, because He hasn’t let up on the gentle nudges for the last 4 years.  The vision of “A Well Watered Soul” came to me one day a while back when I was on my back porch having my Bible time.  It was early morning and I had my full cup of coffee and my Bible open (how I start most days), but I wasn’t yet fully awake.  I know this will sound strange, but I transcended into an almost dreamlike state, but I wasn’t asleep.  I felt like I was at the edge of the ocean, lying flat on my back, and the waves were very gently lapping over me.  My ears were under the water, like when you lay in the tub and just your eyes and nose are above the water but everything else is under water and the sounds of the world are muffled away.  I was in a place of complete peace and fulfillment at that moment.  My soul felt “well watered”, thirsting for nothing.  When well watered, you aren’t thirsty, but hydrated...filled...content.  I wanted to stay there forever.  The other thing that came to mind with being “well watered”, is thinking of the concept of a well, deep inside the earth.  Like “water” being drawn from deep inside our being coming up to the surface to feed us, hydrate us and refresh our souls.  This is the image of the Holy Spirit who is deep inside us and just wants to come to the surface to allow us to be all He made us to be!  

I realized I feel “well watered” mostly when I’m connected to the Source of all things, God.  And, many times I learn about how to stay connected to Him through community with my girlfriends (more on this in Sistas blog, next).  I felt in that moment that I wanted to start a community of women to learn from each other, to lean on one another, and to encourage each other to go to our Source and find what it feels like to be “Well Watered Souls”.  So, welcome here!  I look forward to sharing this journey with you.



(Read more in next Blog, “Sistas”)


When life gives you lemons, plant a tree!

